
Set Your Creative-Self Free


Set Your Creative-Self Free!

To set your creative-self free, start with an open mind and a fearless and courageous spirit.

You may want to begin with a cheap roll of bond paper. An expensive support may intimate you. You can even spread out a double sheet of newspapers. Artist Franz Kline painted on newspaper.

Work with large tools: small brushes and pencils will tighten you up as opposed to freeing your spirit. Use an egg timer for this project and if you don’t have one try the dollar store. If you are using brushes try some dark India ink or dark fluid acrylics. You can also try large pieces of black charcoal or pastels. You may want to protect your floor with plastic. You can purchase plastic from your local hardware store. You may want to use the plastic house painters use.  It comes in a variety of weights.

Try setting the timer for one minute. When the timer rings you STOP, you put down your tools and you move on to the next one. Now set the timer for two minutes and when the timer rings STOP. You are ready to move on to the next sheet of paper. By setting short time frames you don’t have time to be self-critical. Since you are moving fast and working on a large scale your shoulder, elbow and wrist should be involved in this process. If you stand it is easier to be fully engaged.

Do the above exercises and remember to leave the self-doubter behind close doors!  Have FUN setting your creative-self free!


You can find out my about Donna and her art at



About Creativity


About Creativity

It is difficult to describe what creativity is.   Creativity has been explained as not a talent but it is a talent.   It is a talent we are all born with.  Some of us have lost this ability.  It is the ability to be in a state of playfulness, child-like if you will. It is the ability to temporarily set aside every day worries, stresses, anxieties and busyness to engage one’s playful and exploratory side.  It is about being mindful, staying in the present moment. The talent I refer to here is the talent of being able to engage the child within.  If you have lost this talent don’t fret as the lost can be found.


Creative people can do just that.  They can go back and forth from dealing with the everyday adult responsibilities and to separating themselves.

Creative people realize that they need to cut off the outside world and it’s problems temporarily in order to delve into their creative zone.   This is easier done when we set ourselves time boundaries. We have a beginning and an end even if it is for a short time. We can always start again at a designated time.

When trying to get into the creative zone it is important not to get impatient or try to force it. We need to relax and let our minds full up with good positive self-talk. Creative people have learned to be patient and not to expect immediate gratification. They let ideas flow without judging.

Self-doubt and fear are creative killers.  They will paralyze and cripple creativity. As an art teacher I have witnessed this over and over again – students who are afraid to mix colours and apply their mixture to their surfaces. They are so afraid of making a mistake. Their biggest mistake is not being playful, not experimenting as a child would.   Have you ever watch children colour in their colouring books. They pick up crayons and go for it. They don’t worry if they colour their rabbit (the one in their colouring book) green and orange with a pink tail. They don’t care if they go outside the lines.  What has happened to us? I figure as we age we experience so many negative voices that smother our creative beings so many negative voices such as don’t do that, don’t do this, and that is wrong or that doesn’t look good. In order to get into our creative zone we have to guard ourselves from our critical selves. Creative people feed their minds with positive self-talk. They tell themselves that they can work through the process.  It is important here that I mention that creative people do experience self-doubt.   They know that to get into their creative state they need to clear their minds and push the negative stuff away.

Does any of this seem familiar?


Check out Donna’s website at





Creating Uninhibitedly


Creating Uninhibitedly

Welcome to this blog on creating uninhibitedly. I found some great artists’ quotes that are so apropos. See below:

When you can do the common things of life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world. – Anonymous
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. – Albert Einstein
Every child is an artist the problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up. – Pablo Picasso
Jean-Michel Basquiat’s paintings became famous and one of the reasons is because he was able to find the child within and express it so uninhibitedly.   It has been said that one of Basquiat’s collectors seems to value nothing more than a highly individualistic, expressive view of the world.

I am at a stage in my art career that I absolutely appreciate artists who can find and express their child within. Another way of saying this is to create uninhibitedly.

Stay Tune: In a future blog I will speak about ways to loosen up.


You can find out more about Donna’s work at

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